ܲAVƵStatement on Racism

Updated June 11, 2020

June 4, 2020

The members of the American Association of Teachers of the Italian (AATI) maintain our position as an Գپeducational organization. As one of the largest international associations of Italian Studies aimed at fostering intercultural appreciation, competence, and acceptance, we condemn all forms of racism and social injustice in the United States, Italy, and around the world.

We recognize our role as an organization of educators and scholars who teach and promote the intersectionality of languages and cultures. In doing so, we seek to eradicate cultural barriers and stereotypes, as well as racist thoughts, speech, and actions that manifest themselves in our pedagogy and on our campuses. Additionally, we support the decolonization of the curriculum to allow for the incorporation of “othered” voices, within our methodology and research.

As representatives of AATI, we will continue to dedicate ourselves to creating diverse, safe, and inclusive classrooms that are open and protective of all students and colleagues, no matter their color, race, or other perceived difference.

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