Italica publishes critical studies on all aspects of Italian literature, culture, cinema, linguistics, language pedagogy, as well as interdisciplinary and comparative studies. The journal has a section devoted to translations of Italian major works/authors, cultural debates, and interviews, and is receptive to all scholarly methods and theoretical perspectives.
Manuscripts and editorial communications should be sent via email and/or attachment (MSWord) to the Editor, Giovanna Summerfield ( Attachments should be marked with the last name of the contributor, followed by the name/subject of the paper (e.g. Smith-Ariosto or Smith-Romanticism). Contributors are asked to provide a cover page with their name, complete affiliation address, phone number(s), and email. Italica has a blind referee policy, and all submissions are evaluated by at least two readers. The editorial staff will remove the cover sheet from the manuscript before sending it for evaluation.
A running head with the author’s name should not be inserted in the manuscript, but pages should be numbered. A brief bio (50 words max.) should accompany the manuscript in a separate attachment. Submissions must conform to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (please refer to the sixth edition or to subsequent editions, with particular attention to chapter 5: “Documentation: Preparing the List of Works Cited”).
Books for reviews and reviews should be mailed, as a Word attachment, to the Book Reviews Editor: Jason Laine, Penn State University (). For Media Reviews, please contact Silvia Valisa (). All proposals must be submitted to the Book/Media Review Editor prior to writing a review, to ensure that the proposed review has not been assigned.
Bibliographical information to be included in the “Bibliography of Italian Studies of North America” should be sent to the Editor.
All advertising inquiries should be directed to the Advertising Editor, Ryan Calabretta-Sajder (
Manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other journals or previously published will not be considered. Contributors must be active members of the ܲAVƵat the moment of publication. For membership to the Association, see the ܲAVƵwebsite () and follow the link “ܲAVƵMembership.” Authors agree that copyright for their published article is transferred to the AATI. Authors of articles receive two copies of the issue in which their article appears. Additional copies of the journal may be ordered prior to publication at a reduced price.
Example Table Of Contents
The following are some PDFs you can view of past issues of ITALICA.
Volume 97
Volume 96
Volume 86
Volume 84
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